Know About Us
Our Journey and Heritage
The Uganda Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a deep-rooted legacy that dates back to 1906 when the first Adventist missionary, E.C. Enns, entered Uganda from South Nyanza, Kenya. Though Enns was the initial contact, it wasn’t until 1927 that the Adventist mission officially took root in Uganda. Political and religious turbulence delayed its establishment, as Adventist missionaries entered a region already divided among Anglican, Catholic, and Muslim missionaries. Despite the adversity, the Adventist Church stood firm, eventually establishing a mission station at Nchwanga in 1927, marking a foundational moment in our history.
- Uganda has 5504 congregations. Organised churches are 1689 companies 2815. With 544,966 members by March 2024.
- It is recorded that the first Seventh-day Adventist to enter Uganda was E. C. Enns, a German missionary working at Suji in the Pare region of Tanzania (then Tanganyika) who entered the country from South Nyanza, Kenya in 1906. However, work did not begin in Uganda until more than 20 years later, in 1927. This long delay was most likely due to the local prevailing political and religious unrest in the region.
- Adventist missionaries entering Uganda found that it was already zoned among Anglican Protestant missionaries, Catholic missionaries, and Muslims. Accordingly, they were sent to Nchwanga and were expected to fail because they were sent into a disturbed area and the people of this area were naturally suspicious of anything coming from Kampala and Buganda. By providence, Adventists were able to establish a mission station in Nchwanga in the year 1927.
- The Seventh-day Adventist Church was banned by President Idi Amin Dada (1971–1979) between 1977 and 1979, some of its land was confiscated, and the government took over some of its schools, converting them into public schools, which had a negative impact on the Church and its operations in Uganda.
- The Church in Uganda operates Bugema University and .... other tertiary institutions of learning, ..... secondary schools, and ......primary schools that promote learning and provide skills for service and transformation.
Our Mission
Make disciples of Jesus Christ who live as His loving witnesses and proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon return
(Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Rev 14:6-12).
Our Vision
In harmony with Bible revelation, Seventh-day Adventists see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.
Our Method
Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Seventh-day Adventists pursue this mission through Christ-like living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.
A Word From God
Weekly Sermons
We worship God by remembering the gospel through preaching, teaching, singing, praying and celebrating baptism and communion.